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Booko ICO

Starting date: May 14th 2018, 1pm CEST
Closing date: June 12th 2018, 9am CEST
ICO duration: 1 month
Early bird Bonus program:

  • +20% the first 6 hours (0-6h)
  • +10% the next 6 hours (6h-12h)
  • +5% the next 12 hours (12h-24h)

Tokens for sale: 60.000.000 BOO
Issuance price: 1 BOO = 0.001 USD = 0.00000134 ETH
Minimum order price: 0.00134 ETH
Maximum order price: none
ICO hard cap: 80 ETH
Unsold tokens policy: Unsold tokens will be burned (destroyed)

Funds generated from ICO will be used for exchanges listing, travel compagnies partnerships, foreign countries expansion, transactions fees and website upgrade/development.

BOOKO is a company launched in Lyon, France.
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